what percentage of snapchat users purchase products online

what percentage of snapchat users purchase products online

Snapchat has become a popular platform for not only socializing and sharing content, but also for following and researching brands and products. With 23.2% of Snapchat users engaging in online shopping and purchasing, it is clear that a significant percentage of the platform’s user base is involved in e-commerce activities. In this article, we will explore the percentage of Snapchat users who purchase products online and the impact of this trend on the e-commerce industry. We will also discuss the behavior and preferences of Snapchat users when it comes to online shopping, providing valuable insights for businesses and marketers.

what percentage of snapchat users purchase products online

Snapchat as a Platform for Online Shopping

Snapchat has rapidly gained popularity as a platform for online shopping, with a growing trend of using it for following and researching brands and products. The app boasts 576 million total users and 347 million daily active users, making it a highly engaged platform for businesses to connect with a young and passionate demographic.

The growing trend of using Snapchat for online shopping

The statistics show that Snapchat is especially popular among Gen Z, with 6 in 10 teenagers using the app and reaching 90% of the Gen Z population in more than 20 countries. Additionally, Snapchat users spend an average of 30 minutes a day on the app, indicating a strong interest in shopping and brand engagement. This trend highlights the significant potential of Snapchat as a platform for online shopping, with a highly engaged and influential user base.

How Snapchat has become a platform for following and researching brands and products

what percentage of snapchat users purchase products online

Snapchat’s advertising statistics also point to its potential as a platform for online shopping. The app has a potential reach of 575.7 million people, with the majority of its user base being part of Gen Z, a generation with a global spending power of $4.4 trillion. Additionally, Snapchat users are 34% more likely to purchase products advertised on the platform and 45% more likely to recommend a brand to their friends, showcasing the effectiveness of advertising on Snapchat for driving sales and brand engagement. These statistics highlight the significance of Snapchat as a platform for online shopping and the potential for businesses to connect with a highly engaged and influential audience.

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Percentage of Snapchat Users Engaged in Online Shopping


With a total of 576 million users, Snapchat boasts 347 million daily active users, making it the 5th most popular mobile messaging app globally and the 12th most popular social platform. This extensive user base indicates a significant potential for businesses to engage with their target audience through the platform.

Statistics on the percentage of Snapchat users involved in online shopping and purchasing

According to data, 23.2% of Snapchat users are on the platform to follow or research brands and products, indicating a high level of engagement in online shopping activities. This demonstrates the platform’s potential as a valuable channel for businesses to connect with potential customers who are actively seeking products and services.

Comparison of Snapchat’s user base with other social media platforms in terms of online shopping

Further analysis reveals that Snapchat users are heavily influenced by their close friends, who are reported to be 4 times more influential than celebrities or influencers in purchasing decisions. This insight is crucial for businesses looking to leverage Snapchat for marketing and advertising purposes, as it underscores the importance of peer recommendations and social connections in driving consumer behavior on the platform.

Key Insights:

  • 42.3% of Snapchat users are on the platform to post or share photos or videos, indicating a strong potential for businesses to engage with their target audience through visual and interactive content.
  • 35.8% of users are there to message friends and family, highlighting the platform’s potential for businesses to incorporate messaging and communication features into their marketing strategies.
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Impact on the E-commerce Industry

Snapchat Users Engaged in Online Shopping

With the increasing trend of Snapchat users purchasing products online, the e-commerce industry has been significantly influenced. Snapchat, with its massive user base of over 576 million total users and 347 million daily active users, provides a prime target audience for businesses looking to drive online sales. This trend has reshaped the way businesses approach e-commerce and has opened up new opportunities for engaging with potential customers.

Opportunities and challenges for businesses in targeting Snapchat users for online sales

Businesses have a unique opportunity to tap into the purchasing power of Snapchat users, especially considering that close friends on the platform are 4 times more influential than celebrities or influencers when it comes to purchasing decisions. Additionally, Snapchat users are more likely to share their shopping experiences and favorite purchases compared to users on other platforms, presenting businesses with the chance to leverage user-generated content for marketing purposes.


  • Access to a large and highly engaged audience
  • Ability to leverage user-generated content for marketing
  • Potential for driving online sales through targeted advertising


  • Need for thoughtful planning and understanding of user behavior on Snapchat
  • Competition for attention in a crowded and fast-paced platform
  • Adapting to the unique communication style of Snapchat

Despite the significant opportunities, businesses also face challenges in effectively targeting Snapchat users for online sales. These challenges include the need for thoughtful planning and a deep understanding of the platform’s user behavior, as well as competition for attention in a crowded and fast-paced platform. Additionally, businesses must adapt to the unique communication style of Snapchat in order to effectively engage with users and drive sales.

Behavior and Preferences of Snapchat Users in Online Shopping

With a user base of 576 million, including 347 million daily active users, Snapchat remains a popular choice for connecting with Gen Z and millennial audiences. The platform’s appeal lies in its highly engaged demographic, with users spending an average of 30 minutes on the app daily. Snapchat’s user base skews young, with 20.3% of users under 18 and 38.9% in the 18 to 24 age range. Interestingly, 6 in 10 teenagers use Snapchat, showing its significant influence among the younger population. Additionally, the data reveals that Snapchat users are 150% more likely than non-Snapchatters to prefer communicating with pictures over words, indicating a preference for visual content in their online shopping experiences.

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Insights into the shopping behavior of Snapchat users

When it comes to the behavior of Snapchat users in online shopping, it is important to consider their high level of engagement on the platform. The average user opens the app more than 30 times a day and collectively sends over 4 billion messages daily. This presents significant opportunities for businesses to connect with their audience through creative and interactive content. Furthermore, the platform’s potential for advertising is evident, with Snapchat ads reaching nearly half of U.S. smartphone users. After watching an ad on Snapchat, users are 34% more likely to purchase the products advertised themselves and 45% more likely to recommend a brand to their friends. This highlights the effectiveness of advertising on Snapchat in influencing purchasing decisions and brand recommendations among its user base. Businesses looking to leverage the platform for marketing and advertising purposes should take into account the behavior and engagement patterns of Snapchat users to maximize their impact.

Preferences of Snapchat users when it comes to online shopping

Understanding the preferences of Snapchat users in online shopping is crucial for businesses aiming to tailor their marketing and advertising strategies. With Snapchat users being 150% more likely to prefer communicating with pictures over words, visual content plays a key role in their online shopping experiences. Businesses can leverage this preference by creating visually appealing and engaging content to capture the attention of Snapchat users. Additionally, the platform’s emphasis on interactive and creative content provides an opportunity for businesses to engage with their audience in unique ways, enhancing the overall shopping experience for Snapchat users. By aligning their strategies with the preferences of Snapchat users, businesses can effectively connect with this highly engaged demographic and drive online sales.


In conclusion, Snapchat has emerged as a powerful platform for online shopping, with a significant percentage of its users engaging in purchasing products online. The platform’s user base of 576 million, including 347 million daily active users, highlights its potential for businesses to connect with a highly engaged and influential audience. The statistics also indicate that Snapchat users are more likely to share their shopping experiences and favorite purchases, presenting businesses with the opportunity to leverage user-generated content for marketing purposes. Additionally, the impact of Snapchat on the e-commerce industry is undeniable, with the platform influencing consumer behavior and preferences in online shopping. As businesses look to leverage Snapchat for marketing and advertising, understanding the behavior and engagement patterns of Snapchat users will be crucial in maximizing their impact on this platform. With its growing popularity and influence, Snapchat continues to be a top choice for businesses looking to connect with Gen Z and millennial audiences in the online shopping space.

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